Monday, October 16, 2006

Lehigh Valley members back from Georgia

Hey Tom and Mike glad to see you guys are back safe and sound.Cant wait to hear your experiences from the Omni center in Georgia. If you have any lituature you would like to share bring it along.

Monday, October 09, 2006

RSES Atlanta

Having just returned from Atlanta, I have to report that the international RSES conference was a wonderful experience. I was only able to attend on Wed. Oct. 3, but even that was a memorable experience.

The training sessions that were offered were top quality.

Heat loads, Air flow and Combustion Analysis were the sessions that I was able to pack in one full day. Tom Donmoyer was able to attend the entire conference and I am sure that he was super saturated with information and technical knowledge by the time that the conference was over.

One thing that really made an impression on me was that in each of the training sessions that I attended there was a wide representation of people from all over the country. Hearing their questions and comments was and education in itself. And being able to meet and converse with contemporaries from different areas of the country was something that I look forward to doing again next year in San Antonio, Tx.

Congratulations to Ron Lobb, Tom Donmoyer and Nelson Long on their successful completion of the proctored exam for year one for the training material for CM. We are going to be starting the self study group for year two in the near future, so if you are interested in joining us, let one of the officers of the chapter know ASAP.

Don't forget the October monthly meeting on the fourth Thursday (October 26 from 6-8PM).