Friday, November 17, 2006

Now that's a meeting

Last night's meeting of the local chapter was a test of resolve for those who attended. Despite near Hurricane conditions we still had a good handful of faithful chapter members who came for the educational and business meetings.

Many thanks to Rick Seasholtz for taking time to share some information with us about boiler control and oil additives. I was relieved that he didn't activate the sprinkler system with his demonstrations. We look forward to hearing from him in the future.

Our business meeting was short. It doesn't take long for a treasurer report when the "well" is almost dry. The discussions centered around how we can promote our local chapter particularly with the younger upcoming HVAC technition. Let's face it-- that's the future. All us old guys should be looking for ways to interest and involve the younger generation in the society. I heard some really solid ideas last night. All it takes is the preserverance and commitment to implement them.

One disturbing point that I would like to comment about: One of our members made an insightful comment about the reluctance of some contractors and supply houses to become involved in the RSES chapter. It seems that some folks may feel threatened by HVAC professionals from different companies coming together for the common purpose of furthering education and skills. As if sharing information might be a threat to their "turf". Nothing could be further from the truth. Our sole purpose is to promote training and education for the HVAC pro. We are non political, non sectarian, non denominational but totally oriented toward training and education. Admittedly, we have a long way to go to become fully established, but we are not going to go away. I would respectfully say that if someone has the attitude of trying to guard their little world we don't really want or need your participation. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but we're about education not recess.

Having said all that, Mr Kevin Wasielewski CM made to quote of the night when he said that "learning something new is like putting cash in your pocket.". Doesn't that really sum up the whole ideal of the RSES organization. Continuing education is the key to success in our industry. It's really not that different for any profession.

We want to wish everyone and their families a wonderful holiday season. We will not have any meeting in December, but keep the third Thursday of January '07 available for our monthly meeting.

If you want to help the chapter right now take some time to look at the adds that are posted on this blogsite. We earn some money for every click you make on the posted adds. So take some time to read them and you'll also help the chapter.

Posting soon

Friday, November 10, 2006

Your Local RSES chapter needs YOU!

Now that heating season has begun in full force, our schedules will become a little more managable and hopefully we all can turn our attention to some additional training. No matter what our experience level we all need to continue to learn new things and be reminded of standard things. That's where the local RSES chapter comes in. Our sole purpose in to further the skill and knowledge of the HVAC technition. There are so many things in our busy lives that can claim our time, but we always need to make room for those opportunities that can enhance our skills and make us more valuable to our employer and especially the customer. We can encourage and support each other in our profession by sharing our ideas and knowledge. I am always impressed with the willingness to help I receive from most HVAC pros.

We encourage anyone who is interested in continuing development to become an active part of our local RSES chapter. We meet most months on the fourth Thursday from 6-8PM at the Moravian college " doghouse". Check out our meetings and see if you don't come away with something new that you can put into your "toolbox" of knowledge. Its amazing how some things that you learn about in a meeting can be put into actual practice on the job.

If that's not enough reason to put aside some time to enhance your profession just think about the support you can receive from the international RSES in the way of the Journal and the website. So much useful information can be a great contributor to our profession and ultimately serve our customers in a better way.

I hope to see all of you at our meeting on November 16 from 6-8PM at the Moravian College "doghouse". We'll enjoy some food and fellowship and hear from a good speaker, Mr. Rick Seagraves, on some relevant topics. Maybe we can hear some reports from those of us who attended the international convention in October in Atlanta. It was a great experience.