Monday, September 14, 2009

LVRSES 2009-2010 Educational Year starts!!!!

The Lehigh Valley RSES 2009-2010 educational year will start this Thursday September 17 in one of our old haunts --- the "doghouse" at Moravian College in Bethlehem.

We will enjoy seeing each other after our summer hiatus and begin our educational year with a great topic that is totally relevant to the times----- geothermal heat pumps, presented by Water Furnace. Make plans now to attend. It's sure to be a fun and informative session.

Our self study course in heat pumps will start in October. We'll meet on the second and fourth Thursday of each month (except for November and December). If you want to educate yourself about this important HVAC topic make plans to join us. Come to the meeting on September 17 to learn more details or email

And you won't want to miss the upcoming EKA training day to be held in Allentown on October 3. We will do a morning compressor tear down seminar and an afternoon Indoor Air Quality seminar. All chapter members were sent details about the training day. If someone out there in web land wants to learn more email and I'll send you the relevant info about this or any of the above items.

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